Singing and Swinging

17 – 20 July 2008
Esplanade Recital Studio

This happy Robin’s Singing and Swinging…be bop-a-bopping and tip-tap-a-tapping along. Singapore’s very own Sinatra, Robin Goh (from Chang & Eng, Aladdin and Asian Boys Vol. 3) sings and dances with style, with passion, with soul. When happy Robin belts it out with his horns section and serenades you with his wistful strings, you’ll be whizzed off on a musical journey, from Jazz to Blues to Swing! Don’t miss this chance to catch a Robin with a big band and a great, big, PINK heart! Coming out at a theatre near you.

Happy Robin

Robin’s jazz gig rated R18, The Straits Times Life!

Singing? I’d do it in a heartbeat, The Straits Times Life!

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A happy little bird should know, 8 Days

Happy Robin, Dawn where life begins