Opens 10 October 2000
Singapore Power Auditorium



Two hours of heart-stopping, kidney-clutching laughter… and yes, you guess you better bring a doctor or nurse along if you know what’s good for you.

But hey, isn’t laughter the best medicine? It certainly is and Selena Tan’s just the pill that the doctor ordered.

Come catch her last stand-up comedy with music this year as she ends off her Stand & Deliver series with Medicares…MCs sold separately. jokes and silly songs abound about doctors and nurses and the medical life, hopping mad hospitals, chronically insane clinics, positively hilarious polyclinics.

Even the Ahmahs and Orderlys won’t be spared! So come meet the irrepressible lady of song and comedy. Selena will tickle your funny bone and weave in and out of the medical life so intricately that you’ll know she was made to be a Quack. You’ll surely get your injection of life-giving laughter and we just hope you get to roll on out there with your MCs intact for the next work day!

Medicares (MCs sold separately)

Press Release